- New York Times Crossword
- February 9 2023
- Rod used to make yarn
Rod used to make yarn
We have found the following answers matching the query 'Rod used to make yarn' in our database: For more stats and recent usage scroll down and continue reading. Rod used to make yarn crossword clue was last seen on February 9 2023 in the popular New York Times Crossword.
Rank | Answer | Clue | Publisher | 99% | SPINDLE | Rod used to make yarn | New York Times |
• | The long, round, slender rod or pin in spinning wheels by which the thread is twisted, and on which, when twisted, it is wound; also, the pin on which the bobbin is held in a spinning machine, or in the shuttle of a loom. |
• | A slender rod or pin on which anything turns; an axis; as, the spindle of a vane. |
• | The shaft, mandrel, or arbor, in a machine tool, as a lathe or drilling machine, etc., which causes the work to revolve, or carries a tool or center, etc. |
• | The vertical rod on which the runner of a grinding mill turns. |
• | A shaft or pipe on which a core of sand is formed. |
• | The fusee of a watch. |
• | A long and slender stalk resembling a spindle. |
• | A yarn measure containing, in cotton yarn, 15,120 yards; in linen yarn, 14,400 yards. |
• | A solid generated by the revolution of a curved line about its base or double ordinate or chord. |
• | Any marine univalve shell of the genus Rostellaria; -- called also spindle stromb. |
• | Any marine gastropod of the genus Fusus. |
• | To shoot or grow into a long, slender stalk or body; to become disproportionately tall and slender. |
Recent Usage in Crossword Puzzles:
- New York Times: Feb 9, 2023
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