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We have spotted AMOUNT (6 Letters) a total of 25 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with AMOUNT and also when and where was it last seen:


To go up; to ascend.
To rise or reach by an accumulation of particular sums or quantities; to come (to) in the aggregate or whole; -- with to or unto.
To rise, reach, or extend in effect, substance, or influence; to be equivalent; to come practically (to); as, the testimony amounts to very little.
To signify; to amount to.
The sum total of two or more sums or quantities; the aggregate; the whole quantity; a totality; as, the amount of 7 and 9 is 16; the amount of a bill; the amount of this year's revenue.
The effect, substance, value, significance, or result; the sum; as, the amount of the testimony is this.

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