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We have spotted ASSAY (5 Letters) a total of 36 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with ASSAY and also when and where was it last seen:


Trial; attempt; essay.
Examination and determination; test; as, an assay of bread or wine.
Trial by danger or by affliction; adventure; risk; hardship; state of being tried.
Tested purity or value.
The act or process of ascertaining the proportion of a particular metal in an ore or alloy; especially, the determination of the proportion of gold or silver in bullion or coin.
The alloy or metal to be assayed.
To try; to attempt; to apply.
To affect.
To try tasting, as food or drink.
To subject, as an ore, alloy, or other metallic compound, to chemical or metallurgical examination, in order to determine the amount of a particular metal contained in it, or to ascertain its composition.
To attempt, try, or endeavor.

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