• | Odd; out of order; perverse. |
• | Wrong, or not commonly used; clumsy; sinister; as, the awk end of a rod (the but end). |
• | Clumsy in performance or manners; unhandy; not dexterous; awkward. |
• | Perversely; in the wrong way. |
We have spotted AWK (3 Letters) a total of 51 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with AWK and also when and where was it last seen:
• | Odd; out of order; perverse. |
• | Wrong, or not commonly used; clumsy; sinister; as, the awk end of a rod (the but end). |
• | Clumsy in performance or manners; unhandy; not dexterous; awkward. |
• | Perversely; in the wrong way. |