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We have spotted BLOT (4 Letters) a total of 56 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with BLOT and also when and where was it last seen:


To spot, stain, or bespatter, as with ink.
To impair; to damage; to mar; to soil.
To stain with infamy; to disgrace.
To obliterate, as writing with ink; to cancel; to efface; -- generally with out; as, to blot out a word or a sentence. Often figuratively; as, to blot out offenses.
To obscure; to eclipse; to shadow.
To dry, as writing, with blotting paper.
To take a blot; as, this paper blots easily.
A spot or stain, as of ink on paper; a blur.
An obliteration of something written or printed; an erasure.
A spot on reputation; a stain; a disgrace; a reproach; a blemish.
An exposure of a single man to be taken up.
A single man left on a point, exposed to be taken up.
A weak point; a failing; an exposed point or mark.

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