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We have spotted BREACH (6 Letters) a total of 5 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with BREACH and also when and where was it last seen:


The act of breaking, in a figurative sense.
Specifically: A breaking or infraction of a law, or of any obligation or tie; violation; non-fulfillment; as, a breach of contract; a breach of promise.
A gap or opening made made by breaking or battering, as in a wall or fortification; the space between the parts of a solid body rent by violence; a break; a rupture.
A breaking of waters, as over a vessel; the waters themselves; surge; surf.
A breaking up of amicable relations; rupture.
A bruise; a wound.
A hernia; a rupture.
A breaking out upon; an assault.
To make a breach or opening in; as, to breach the walls of a city.
To break the water, as by leaping out; -- said of a whale.

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