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We have spotted BULB (4 Letters) a total of 23 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with BULB and also when and where was it last seen:


A spheroidal body growing from a plant either above or below the ground (usually below), which is strictly a bud, consisting of a cluster of partially developed leaves, and producing, as it grows, a stem above, and roots below, as in the onion, tulip, etc. It differs from a corm in not being solid.
A name given to some parts that resemble in shape certain bulbous roots; as, the bulb of the aorta.
An expansion or protuberance on a stem or tube, as the bulb of a thermometer, which may be of any form, as spherical, cylindrical, curved, etc.
To take the shape of a bulb; to swell.

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