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We have spotted CLAMP (5 Letters) a total of 26 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CLAMP and also when and where was it last seen:


Something rigid that holds fast or binds things together; a piece of wood or metal, used to hold two or more pieces together.
An instrument with a screw or screws by which work is held in its place or two parts are temporarily held together.
A piece of wood placed across another, or inserted into another, to bind or strengthen.
One of a pair of movable pieces of lead, or other soft material, to cover the jaws of a vise and enable it to grasp without bruising.
A thick plank on the inner part of a ship's side, used to sustain the ends of beams.
A mass of bricks heaped up to be burned; or of ore for roasting, or of coal for coking.
A mollusk. See Clam.
To fasten with a clamp or clamps; to apply a clamp to; to place in a clamp.
To cover, as vegetables, with earth.
A heavy footstep; a tramp.
To tread heavily or clumsily; to clump.

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