• | A concretion or coagulation; esp. a soft, slimy, coagulated mass, as of blood; a coagulum. |
• | To concrete, coagulate, or thicken, as soft or fluid matter by evaporation; to become a cot or clod. |
• | To form into a slimy mass. |
We have spotted CLOT (4 Letters) a total of 56 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CLOT and also when and where was it last seen:
• | A concretion or coagulation; esp. a soft, slimy, coagulated mass, as of blood; a coagulum. |
• | To concrete, coagulate, or thicken, as soft or fluid matter by evaporation; to become a cot or clod. |
• | To form into a slimy mass. |