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We have spotted COST (4 Letters) a total of 105 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with COST and also when and where was it last seen:


A rib; a side; a region or coast.
See Cottise.
of Cost
To require to be given, expended, or laid out therefor, as in barter, purchase, acquisition, etc.; to cause the cost, expenditure, relinquishment, or loss of; as, the ticket cost a dollar; the effort cost his life.
To require to be borne or suffered; to cause.
The amount paid, charged, or engaged to be paid, for anything bought or taken in barter; charge; expense; hence, whatever, as labor, self-denial, suffering, etc., is requisite to secure benefit.
Loss of any kind; detriment; pain; suffering.
Expenses incurred in litigation.

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