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We have spotted CYLINDER (8 Letters) a total of 3 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CYLINDER and also when and where was it last seen:


A solid body which may be generated by the rotation of a parallelogram round one its sides; or a body of rollerlike form, of which the longitudinal section is oblong, and the cross section is circular.
The space inclosed by any cylindrical surface. The space may be limited or unlimited in length.
Any hollow body of cylindrical form
The chamber of a steam engine in which the piston is moved by the force of steam.
The barrel of an air or other pump.
The revolving platen or bed which produces the impression or carries the type in a cylinder press.
The bore of a gun; the turning chambered breech of a revolver.
The revolving square prism carrying the cards in a Jacquard loom.

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