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We have spotted DAM (3 Letters) a total of 676 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with DAM and also when and where was it last seen:


A female parent; -- used of beasts, especially of quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human mother.
A kind or crowned piece in the game of draughts.
A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp., a bank of earth, or wall of any kind, as of masonry or wood, built across a water course, to confine and keep back flowing water.
A firebrick wall, or a stone, which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace.
To obstruct or restrain the flow of, by a dam; to confine by constructing a dam, as a stream of water; -- generally used with in or up.
To shut up; to stop up; to close; to restrain.

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