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We have spotted DRONE (5 Letters) a total of 62 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with DRONE and also when and where was it last seen:


The male of bees, esp. of the honeybee. It gathers no honey. See Honeybee.
One who lives on the labors of others; a lazy, idle fellow; a sluggard.
That which gives out a grave or monotonous tone or dull sound; as: (a) A drum. [Obs.] Halliwell. (b) The part of the bagpipe containing the two lowest tubes, which always sound the key note and the fifth.
A humming or deep murmuring sound.
A monotonous bass, as in a pastoral composition.
To utter or make a low, dull, monotonous, humming or murmuring sound.
To love in idleness; to do nothing.

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