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We have spotted FRAME (5 Letters) a total of 49 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with FRAME and also when and where was it last seen:


To construct by fitting and uniting the several parts of the skeleton of any structure; specifically, in woodwork, to put together by cutting parts of one member to fit parts of another. See Dovetail, Halve, v. t., Miter, Tenon, Tooth, Tusk, Scarf, and Splice.
To originate; to plan; to devise; to contrive; to compose; in a bad sense, to invent or fabricate, as something false.
To fit to something else, or for some specific end; to adjust; to regulate; to shape; to conform.
To cause; to bring about; to produce.
To support.
To provide with a frame, as a picture.
To shape; to arrange, as the organs of speech.
To proceed; to go.
Anything composed of parts fitted and united together; a fabric; a structure; esp., the constructional system, whether of timber or metal, that gives to a building, vessel, etc., its model and strength; the skeleton of a structure.
The bodily structure; physical constitution; make or build of a person.
A kind of open case or structure made for admitting, inclosing, or supporting things, as that which incloses or contains a window, door, picture, etc.; that on which anything is held or stretched
The skeleton structure which supports the boiler and machinery of a locomotive upon its wheels.
A molding box or flask, which being filled with sand serves as a mold for castings.
The ribs and stretchers of an umbrella or other structure with a fabric covering.
A structure of four bars, adjustable in size, on which cloth, etc., is stretched for quilting, embroidery, etc.
A glazed portable structure for protecting young plants from frost.
A stand to support the type cases for use by the compositor.
A term applied, especially in England, to certain machines built upon or within framework; as, a stocking frame; lace frame; spinning frame, etc.
Form; shape; proportion; scheme; structure; constitution; system; as, a frameof government.
Particular state or disposition, as of the mind; humor; temper; mood; as, to be always in a happy frame.
Contrivance; the act of devising or scheming.

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