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We have spotted FROST (5 Letters) a total of 30 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with FROST and also when and where was it last seen:


The act of freezing; -- applied chiefly to the congelation of water; congelation of fluids.
The state or temperature of the air which occasions congelation, or the freezing of water; severe cold or freezing weather.
Frozen dew; -- called also hoarfrost or white frost.
Coldness or insensibility; severity or rigidity of character.
To injure by frost; to freeze, as plants.
To cover with hoarfrost; to produce a surface resembling frost upon, as upon cake, metals, or glass.
To roughen or sharpen, as the nail heads or calks of horseshoes, so as to fit them for frosty weather.

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