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We have spotted GEAR (4 Letters) a total of 130 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with GEAR and also when and where was it last seen:


Clothing; garments; ornaments.
Goods; property; household stuff.
Whatever is prepared for use or wear; manufactured stuff or material.
The harness of horses or cattle; trapping.
Warlike accouterments.
Manner; custom; behavior.
Business matters; affairs; concern.
A toothed wheel, or cogwheel; as, a spur gear, or a bevel gear; also, toothed wheels, collectively.
An apparatus for performing a special function; gearing; as, the feed gear of a lathe.
Engagement of parts with each other; as, in gear; out of gear.
See 1st Jeer (b).
Anything worthless; stuff; nonsense; rubbish.
To dress; to put gear on; to harness.
To provide with gearing.
To be in, or come into, gear.

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