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We have spotted GLIDE (5 Letters) a total of 20 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with GLIDE and also when and where was it last seen:


The glede or kite.
To move gently and smoothly; to pass along without noise, violence, or apparent effort; to pass rapidly and easily, or with a smooth, silent motion, as a river in its channel, a bird in the air, a skater over ice.
To pass with a glide, as the voice.
The act or manner of moving smoothly, swiftly, and without labor or obstruction.
A transitional sound in speech which is produced by the changing of the mouth organs from one definite position to another, and with gradual change in the most frequent cases; as in passing from the begining to the end of a regular diphthong, or from vowel to consonant or consonant to vowel in a syllable, or from one component to the other of a double or diphthongal consonant (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 19, 161, 162). Also (by Bell and others), the vanish (or brief final element) or the brief initial element, in a class of diphthongal vowels, or the brief final or initial part of some consonants (see Guide to Pronunciation, // 18, 97, 191).

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