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We have spotted GRASP (5 Letters) a total of 14 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with GRASP and also when and where was it last seen:


To seize and hold by clasping or embracing with the fingers or arms; to catch to take possession of.
To lay hold of with the mind; to become thoroughly acquainted or conversant with; to comprehend.
To effect a grasp; to make the motion of grasping; to clutch; to struggle; to strive.
A gripe or seizure of the hand; a seizure by embrace, or infolding in the arms.
Reach of the arms; hence, the power of seizing and holding; as, it was beyond his grasp.
Forcible possession; hold.
Wide-reaching power of intellect to comprehend subjects and hold them under survey.
The handle of a sword or of an oar.

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