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We have spotted GUT (3 Letters) a total of 63 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with GUT and also when and where was it last seen:


A narrow passage of water; as, the Gut of Canso.
An intenstine; a bowel; the whole alimentary canal; the enteron; (pl.) bowels; entrails.
One of the prepared entrails of an animal, esp. of a sheep, used for various purposes. See Catgut.
The sac of silk taken from a silkworm (when ready to spin its cocoon), for the purpose of drawing it out into a thread. This, when dry, is exceedingly strong, and is used as the snood of a fish line.
To take out the bowels from; to eviscerate.
To plunder of contents; to destroy or remove the interior or contents of; as, a mob gutted the bouse.

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