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We have spotted HEDGE (5 Letters) a total of 25 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with HEDGE and also when and where was it last seen:


A thicket of bushes, usually thorn bushes; especially, such a thicket planted as a fence between any two portions of land; and also any sort of shrubbery, as evergreens, planted in a line or as a fence; particularly, such a thicket planted round a field to fence it, or in rows to separate the parts of a garden.
To inclose or separate with a hedge; to fence with a thickly set line or thicket of shrubs or small trees; as, to hedge a field or garden.
To obstruct, as a road, with a barrier; to hinder from progress or success; -- sometimes with up and out.
To surround for defense; to guard; to protect; to hem (in).
To surround so as to prevent escape.
To shelter one's self from danger, risk, duty, responsibility, etc., as if by hiding in or behind a hedge; to skulk; to slink; to shirk obligations.
To reduce the risk of a wager by making a bet against the side or chance one has bet on.
To use reservations and qualifications in one's speech so as to avoid committing one's self to anything definite.

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