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We have spotted LEAVE (5 Letters) a total of 92 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with LEAVE and also when and where was it last seen:


To send out leaves; to leaf; -- often with out.
To raise; to levy.
Liberty granted by which restraint or illegality is removed; permission; allowance; license.
The act of leaving or departing; a formal parting; a leaving; farewell; adieu; -- used chiefly in the phrase, to take leave, i. e., literally, to take permission to go.
To withdraw one's self from; to go away from; to depart from; as, to leave the house.
To let remain unremoved or undone; to let stay or continue, in distinction from what is removed or changed.
To cease from; to desist from; to abstain from.
To desert; to abandon; to forsake; hence, to give up; to relinquish.
To let be or do without interference; as, I left him to his reflections; I leave my hearers to judge.
To put; to place; to deposit; to deliver; to commit; to submit -- with a sense of withdrawing one's self from; as, leave your hat in the hall; we left our cards; to leave the matter to arbitrators.
To have remaining at death; hence, to bequeath; as, he left a large estate; he left a good name; he left a legacy to his niece.
To depart; to set out.
To cease; to desist; to leave off.

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