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We have spotted LEER (4 Letters) a total of 70 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with LEER and also when and where was it last seen:


To learn.
Empty; destitute; wanting
Empty of contents.
Destitute of a rider; and hence, led, not ridden; as, a leer horse.
Wanting sense or seriousness; trifling; trivolous; as, leer words.
An oven in which glassware is annealed.
The cheek.
Complexion; aspect; appearance.
A distorted expression of the face, or an indirect glance of the eye, conveying a sinister or immodest suggestion.
To look with a leer; to look askance with a suggestive expression, as of hatred, contempt, lust, etc. ; to cast a sidelong lustful or malign look.
To entice with a leer, or leers; as, to leer a man to ruin.

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