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We have spotted NEAT (4 Letters) a total of 202 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with NEAT and also when and where was it last seen:


Cattle of the genus Bos, as distinguished from horses, sheep, and goats; an animal of the genus Bos; as, a neat's tongue; a neat's foot.
Of or pertaining to the genus Bos, or to cattle of that genus; as, neat cattle.
Free from that which soils, defiles, or disorders; clean; cleanly; tidy.
Free from what is unbecoming, inappropriate, or tawdry; simple and becoming; pleasing with simplicity; tasteful; chaste; as, a neat style; a neat dress.
Free from admixture or adulteration; good of its kind; as, neat brandy.
Excellent in character, skill, or performance, etc.; nice; finished; adroit; as, a neat design; a neat thief.
With all deductions or allowances made; net. [In this sense usually written net. See Net, a., 3.]

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