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We have spotted OPERATE (7 Letters) a total of 22 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with OPERATE and also when and where was it last seen:


To perform a work or labor; to exert power or strengh, physical or mechanical; to act.
To produce an appropriate physical effect; to issue in the result designed by nature; especially (Med.), to take appropriate effect on the human system.
To act or produce effect on the mind; to exert moral power or influence.
To perform some manual act upon a human body in a methodical manner, and usually with instruments, with a view to restore soundness or health, as in amputation, lithotomy, etc.
To deal in stocks or any commodity with a view to speculative profits.
To produce, as an effect; to cause.
To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work; as, to operate a machine.

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