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We have spotted PAD (3 Letters) a total of 348 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with PAD and also when and where was it last seen:


A footpath; a road.
An easy-paced horse; a padnag.
A robber that infests the road on foot; a highwayman; -- usually called a footpad.
The act of robbing on the highway.
To travel upon foot; to tread.
To travel heavily or slowly.
To rob on foot.
To wear a path by walking.
A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing.
A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting paper; a block of paper.
A cushion used as a saddle without a tree or frame.
A stuffed guard or protection; esp., one worn on the legs of horses to prevent bruising.
A cushionlike thickening of the skin one the under side of the toes of animals.
A floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant.
A soft bag or cushion to relieve pressure, support a part, etc.
A piece of timber fixed on a beam to fit the curve of the deck.
A measure for fish; as, sixty mackerel go to a pad; a basket of soles.
To stuff; to furnish with a pad or padding.
To imbue uniformly with a mordant; as, to pad cloth.

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