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We have spotted PUDDLE (6 Letters) a total of 6 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with PUDDLE and also when and where was it last seen:


A small quantity of dirty standing water; a muddy plash; a small pool.
Clay, or a mixture of clay and sand, kneaded or worked, when wet, to render it impervious to water.
To make foul or muddy; to pollute with dirt; to mix dirt with (water).
To make dense or close, as clay or loam, by working when wet, so as to render impervious to water.
To make impervious to liquids by means of puddle; to apply puddle to.
To subject to the process of puddling, as iron, so as to convert it from the condition of cast iron to that of wrought iron.
To make a dirty stir.

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