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We have spotted RAMP (4 Letters) a total of 114 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with RAMP and also when and where was it last seen:


To spring; to leap; to bound; to rear; to prance; to become rampant; hence, to frolic; to romp.
To move by leaps, or as by leaps; hence, to move swiftly or with violence.
To climb, as a plant; to creep up.
A leap; a spring; a hostile advance.
A highwayman; a robber.
A romping woman; a prostitute.
Any sloping member, other than a purely constructional one, such as a continuous parapet to a staircase.
A short bend, slope, or curve, where a hand rail or cap changes its direction.
An inclined plane serving as a communication between different interior levels.

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