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We have spotted RANSOM (6 Letters) a total of 9 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with RANSOM and also when and where was it last seen:


The release of a captive, or of captured property, by payment of a consideration; redemption; as, prisoners hopeless of ransom.
The money or price paid for the redemption of a prisoner, or for goods captured by an enemy; payment for freedom from restraint, penalty, or forfeit.
A sum paid for the pardon of some great offense and the discharge of the offender; also, a fine paid in lieu of corporal punishment.
To redeem from captivity, servitude, punishment, or forfeit, by paying a price; to buy out of servitude or penalty; to rescue; to deliver; as, to ransom prisoners from an enemy.
To exact a ransom for, or a payment on.

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