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We have spotted SCRIBE (6 Letters) a total of 15 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SCRIBE and also when and where was it last seen:


One who writes; a draughtsman; a writer for another; especially, an offical or public writer; an amanuensis or secretary; a notary; a copyist.
A writer and doctor of the law; one skilled in the law and traditions; one who read and explained the law to the people.
To write, engrave, or mark upon; to inscribe.
To cut (anything) in such a way as to fit closely to a somewhat irregular surface, as a baseboard to a floor which is out of level, a board to the curves of a molding, or the like; -- so called because the workman marks, or scribe, with the compasses the line that he afterwards cuts.
To score or mark with compasses or a scribing iron.
To make a mark.

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