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We have spotted SHIVER (6 Letters) a total of 7 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SHIVER and also when and where was it last seen:


One of the small pieces, or splinters, into which a brittle thing is broken by sudden violence; -- generally used in the plural.
A thin slice; a shive.
A variety of blue slate.
A sheave or small wheel in a pulley.
A small wedge, as for fastening the bolt of a window shutter.
A spindle.
To break into many small pieces, or splinters; to shatter; to dash to pieces by a blow; as, to shiver a glass goblet.
To separate suddenly into many small pieces or parts; to be shattered.
To tremble; to vibrate; to quiver; to shake, as from cold or fear.
To cause to shake or tremble, as a sail, by steering close to the wind.
The act of shivering or trembling.

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