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We have spotted SKEW (4 Letters) a total of 112 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SKEW and also when and where was it last seen:


Awry; obliquely; askew.
Turned or twisted to one side; situated obliquely; skewed; -- chiefly used in technical phrases.
A stone at the foot of the slope of a gable, the offset of a buttress, or the like, cut with a sloping surface and with a check to receive the coping stones and retain them in place.
To walk obliquely; to go sidling; to lie or move obliquely.
To start aside; to shy, as a horse.
To look obliquely; to squint; hence, to look slightingly or suspiciously.
To shape or form in an oblique way; to cause to take an oblique position.
To throw or hurl obliquely.

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