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We have spotted SMELL (5 Letters) a total of 44 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SMELL and also when and where was it last seen:


To perceive by the olfactory nerves, or organs of smell; to have a sensation of, excited through the nasal organs when affected by the appropriate materials or qualities; to obtain the scent of; as, to smell a rose; to smell perfumes.
To detect or perceive, as if by the sense of smell; to scent out; -- often with out.
To give heed to.
To affect the olfactory nerves; to have an odor or scent; -- often followed by of; as, to smell of smoke, or of musk.
To have a particular tincture or smack of any quality; to savor; as, a report smells of calumny.
To exercise the sense of smell.
To exercise sagacity.
The sense or faculty by which certain qualities of bodies are perceived through the instrumentally of the olfactory nerves. See Sense.
The quality of any thing or substance, or emanation therefrom, which affects the olfactory organs; odor; scent; fragrance; perfume; as, the smell of mint.

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