• | A flake, or small filmy mass, of snow. |
• | See Snowbird, 1. |
• | A name given to several bulbous plants of the genus Leucoium (L. vernum, aestivum, etc.) resembling the snowdrop, but having all the perianth leaves of equal size. |
We have spotted SNOWFLAKE (9 Letters) a total of 1 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SNOWFLAKE and also when and where was it last seen:
• | A flake, or small filmy mass, of snow. |
• | See Snowbird, 1. |
• | A name given to several bulbous plants of the genus Leucoium (L. vernum, aestivum, etc.) resembling the snowdrop, but having all the perianth leaves of equal size. |