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We have spotted SPEND (5 Letters) a total of 43 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SPEND and also when and where was it last seen:


To weigh or lay out; to dispose of; to part with; as, to spend money for clothing.
To bestow; to employ; -- often with on or upon.
To consume; to waste; to squander; to exhaust; as, to spend an estate in gaming or other vices.
To pass, as time; to suffer to pass away; as, to spend a day idly; to spend winter abroad.
To exhaust of force or strength; to waste; to wear away; as, the violence of the waves was spent.
To expend money or any other possession; to consume, use, waste, or part with, anything; as, he who gets easily spends freely.
To waste or wear away; to be consumed; to lose force or strength; to vanish; as, energy spends in the using of it.
To be diffused; to spread.
To break ground; to continue working.

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