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We have spotted STRAIT (6 Letters) a total of 12 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with STRAIT and also when and where was it last seen:


A variant of Straight.
Narrow; not broad.
Tight; close; closely fitting.
Close; intimate; near; familiar.
Strict; scrupulous; rigorous.
Difficult; distressful; straited.
Parsimonious; niggargly; mean.
Strictly; rigorously.
A narrow pass or passage.
A (comparatively) narrow passageway connecting two large bodies of water; -- often in the plural; as, the strait, or straits, of Gibraltar; the straits of Magellan; the strait, or straits, of Mackinaw.
A neck of land; an isthmus.
Fig.: A condition of narrowness or restriction; doubt; distress; difficulty; poverty; perplexity; -- sometimes in the plural; as, reduced to great straits.
To put to difficulties.

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