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We have spotted TOSS (4 Letters) a total of 138 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with TOSS and also when and where was it last seen:


To throw with the hand; especially, to throw with the palm of the hand upward, or to throw upward; as, to toss a ball.
To lift or throw up with a sudden or violent motion; as, to toss the head.
To cause to rise and fall; as, a ship tossed on the waves in a storm.
To agitate; to make restless.
Hence, to try; to harass.
To keep in play; to tumble over; as, to spend four years in tossing the rules of grammar.
To roll and tumble; to be in violent commotion; to write; to fling.
To be tossed, as a fleet on the ocean.
A throwing upward, or with a jerk; the act of tossing; as, the toss of a ball.
A throwing up of the head; a particular manner of raising the head with a jerk.

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