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We have spotted TRACT (5 Letters) a total of 68 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with TRACT and also when and where was it last seen:


A written discourse or dissertation, generally of short extent; a short treatise, especially on practical religion.
Something drawn out or extended; expanse.
A region or quantity of land or water, of indefinite extent; an area; as, an unexplored tract of sea.
Traits; features; lineaments.
The footprint of a wild beast.
Track; trace.
Treatment; exposition.
Continuity or extension of anything; as, the tract of speech.
Continued or protracted duration; length; extent.
Verses of Scripture sung at Mass, instead of the Alleluia, from Septuagesima Sunday till the Saturday befor Easter; -- so called because sung tractim, or without a break, by one voice, instead of by many as in the antiphons.
To trace out; to track; also, to draw out; to protact.

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