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We have spotted TROLL (5 Letters) a total of 48 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with TROLL and also when and where was it last seen:


A supernatural being, often represented as of diminutive size, but sometimes as a giant, and fabled to inhabit caves, hills, and like places; a witch.
To move circularly or volubly; to roll; to turn.
To send about; to circulate, as a vessel in drinking.
To sing the parts of in succession, as of a round, a catch, and the like; also, to sing loudly or freely.
To angle for with a trolling line, or with a book drawn along the surface of the water; hence, to allure.
To fish in; to seek to catch fish from.
To roll; to run about; to move around; as, to troll in a coach and six.
To move rapidly; to wag.
To take part in trolling a song.
To fish with a rod whose line runs on a reel; also, to fish by drawing the hook through the water.
The act of moving round; routine; repetition.
A song the parts of which are sung in succession; a catch; a round.
A trolley.

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