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We have spotted VARY (4 Letters) a total of 34 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with VARY and also when and where was it last seen:


To change the aspect of; to alter in form, appearance, substance, position, or the like; to make different by a partial change; to modify; as, to vary the properties, proportions, or nature of a thing; to vary a posture or an attitude; to vary one's dress or opinions.
To change to something else; to transmute; to exchange; to alternate.
To make of different kinds; to make different from one another; to diversity; to variegate.
To embellish; to change fancifully; to present under new aspects, as of form, key, measure, etc. See Variation, 4.
To alter, or be altered, in any manner; to suffer a partial change; to become different; to be modified; as, colors vary in different lights.
To differ, or be different; to be unlike or diverse; as, the laws of France vary from those of England.
To alter or change in succession; to alternate; as, one mathematical quantity varies inversely as another.
To deviate; to depart; to swerve; -- followed by from; as, to vary from the law, or from reason.
To disagree; to be at variance or in dissension; as, men vary in opinion.
Alteration; change.

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