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We have spotted WALK (4 Letters) a total of 33 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with WALK and also when and where was it last seen:


To move along on foot; to advance by steps; to go on at a moderate pace; specifically, of two-legged creatures, to proceed at a slower or faster rate, but without running, or lifting one foot entirely before the other touches the ground.
To move or go on the feet for exercise or amusement; to take one's exercise; to ramble.
To be stirring; to be abroad; to go restlessly about; -- said of things or persons expected to remain quiet, as a sleeping person, or the spirit of a dead person; to go about as a somnambulist or a specter.
To be in motion; to act; to move; to wag.
To behave; to pursue a course of life; to conduct one's self.
To move off; to depart.
To pass through, over, or upon; to traverse; to perambulate; as, to walk the streets.
To cause to walk; to lead, drive, or ride with a slow pace; as to walk one's horses.
To subject, as cloth or yarn, to the fulling process; to full.
The act of walking, or moving on the feet with a slow pace; advance without running or leaping.
The act of walking for recreation or exercise; as, a morning walk; an evening walk.
Manner of walking; gait; step; as, we often know a person at a distance by his walk.
That in or through which one walks; place or distance walked over; a place for walking; a path or avenue prepared for foot passengers, or for taking air and exercise; way; road; hence, a place or region in which animals may graze; place of wandering; range; as, a sheep walk.
A frequented track; habitual place of action; sphere; as, the walk of the historian.
Conduct; course of action; behavior.
The route or district regularly served by a vender; as, a milkman's walk.

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