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We have spotted ICE (3 Letters) a total of 1543 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with ICE and also when and where was it last seen:


Water or other fluid frozen or reduced to the solid state by cold; frozen water. It is a white or transparent colorless substance, crystalline, brittle, and viscoidal. Its specific gravity (0.92, that of water at 4¡ C. being 1.0) being less than that of water, ice floats.
Concreted sugar.
Water, cream, custard, etc., sweetened, flavored, and artificially frozen.
Any substance having the appearance of ice; as, camphor ice.
To cover with ice; to convert into ice, or into something resembling ice.
To cover with icing, or frosting made of sugar and milk or white of egg; to frost, as cakes, tarts, etc.
To chill or cool, as with ice; to freeze.

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