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We have spotted CAKE (4 Letters) a total of 126 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CAKE and also when and where was it last seen:


A small mass of dough baked; especially, a thin loaf from unleavened dough; as, an oatmeal cake; johnnycake.
A sweetened composition of flour and other ingredients, leavened or unleavened, baked in a loaf or mass of any size or shape.
A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter; a griddlecake or pancake; as buckwheat cakes.
A mass of matter concreted, congealed, or molded into a solid mass of any form, esp. into a form rather flat than high; as, a cake of soap; an ague cake.
To form into a cake, or mass.
To concrete or consolidate into a hard mass, as dough in an oven; to coagulate.
To cackle as a goose.

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