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We have spotted CRAMP (5 Letters) a total of 10 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with CRAMP and also when and where was it last seen:


That which confines or contracts; a restraint; a shackle; a hindrance.
A device, usually of iron bent at the ends, used to hold together blocks of stone, timbers, etc.; a cramp iron.
A rectangular frame, with a tightening screw, used for compressing the joints of framework, etc.
A piece of wood having a curve corresponding to that of the upper part of the instep, on which the upper leather of a boot is stretched to give it the requisite shape.
A spasmodic and painful involuntary contraction of a muscle or muscles, as of the leg.
To compress; to restrain from free action; to confine and contract; to hinder.
To fasten or hold with, or as with, a cramp.
to bind together; to unite.
To form on a cramp; as, to cramp boot legs.
To afflict with cramp.
Knotty; difficult.

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