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We have spotted FELL (4 Letters) a total of 34 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with FELL and also when and where was it last seen:


of Fall
imp. of Fall.
Cruel; barbarous; inhuman; fierce; savage; ravenous.
Eager; earnest; intent.
Gall; anger; melancholy.
A skin or hide of a beast with the wool or hair on; a pelt; -- used chiefly in composition, as woolfell.
A barren or rocky hill.
A wild field; a moor.
To cause to fall; to prostrate; to bring down or to the ground; to cut down.
The finer portions of ore which go through the meshes, when the ore is sorted by sifting.
To sew or hem; -- said of seams.
A form of seam joining two pieces of cloth, the edges being folded together and the stitches taken through both thicknesses.
The end of a web, formed by the last thread of the weft.

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