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We have spotted LUMBER (6 Letters) a total of 3 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with LUMBER and also when and where was it last seen:


A pawnbroker's shop, or room for storing articles put in pawn; hence, a pledge, or pawn.
Old or refuse household stuff; things cumbrous, or bulky and useless, or of small value.
Timber sawed or split into the form of beams, joists, boards, planks, staves, hoops, etc.; esp., that which is smaller than heavy timber.
To heap together in disorder.
To fill or encumber with lumber; as, to lumber up a room.
To move heavily, as if burdened.
To make a sound as if moving heavily or clumsily; to rumble.
To cut logs in the forest, or prepare timber for market.

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