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We have spotted NATIVE (6 Letters) a total of 14 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with NATIVE and also when and where was it last seen:


Arising by birth; having an origin; born.
Of or pertaining to one's birth; natal; belonging to the place or the circumstances in which one is born; -- opposed to foreign; as, native land, language, color, etc.
Born in the region in which one lives; as, a native inhabitant, race; grown or originating in the region where used or sold; not foreign or imported; as, native oysters, or strawberries.
Original; constituting the original substance of anything; as, native dust.
Conferred by birth; derived from origin; born with one; inherent; inborn; not acquired; as, native genius, cheerfulness, simplicity, rights, etc.
Naturally related; cognate; connected (with).
Found in nature uncombined with other elements; as, native silver.
Found in nature; not artificial; as native sodium chloride.
One who, or that which, is born in a place or country referred to; a denizen by birth; an animal, a fruit, or vegetable, produced in a certain region; as, a native of France.
Any of the live stock found in a region, as distinguished from such as belong to pure and distinct imported breeds.

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