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We have spotted POLISH (6 Letters) a total of 8 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with POLISH and also when and where was it last seen:


Of or pertaining to Poland or its inhabitants.
The language of the Poles.
To make smooth and glossy, usually by friction; to burnish; to overspread with luster; as, to polish glass, marble, metals, etc.
Hence, to refine; to wear off the rudeness, coarseness, or rusticity of; to make elegant and polite; as, to polish life or manners.
To become smooth, as from friction; to receive a gloss; to take a smooth and glossy surface; as, steel polishes well.
A smooth, glossy surface, usually produced by friction; a gloss or luster.
Anything used to produce a gloss.
Fig.: Refinement; elegance of manners.

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