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We have spotted SCENT (5 Letters) a total of 102 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SCENT and also when and where was it last seen:


To perceive by the olfactory organs; to smell; as, to scent game, as a hound does.
To imbue or fill with odor; to perfume.
To have a smell.
To hunt animals by means of the sense of smell.
That which, issuing from a body, affects the olfactory organs of animals; odor; smell; as, the scent of an orange, or of a rose; the scent of musk.
Specifically, the odor left by an animal on the ground in passing over it; as, dogs find or lose the scent; hence, course of pursuit; track of discovery.
The power of smelling; the sense of smell; as, a hound of nice scent; to divert the scent.

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