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We have spotted SEND (4 Letters) a total of 178 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SEND and also when and where was it last seen:


To cause to go in any manner; to dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger.
To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message.
To emit; to impel; to cast; to throw; to hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like.
To cause to be or to happen; to bestow; to inflict; to grant; -- sometimes followed by a dependent proposition.
To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand.
To pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts.
The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily.

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