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We have spotted SLATE (5 Letters) a total of 83 times in our database. Below you may see the clues associated with SLATE and also when and where was it last seen:


An argillaceous rock which readily splits into thin plates; argillite; argillaceous schist.
Any rock or stone having a slaty structure.
A prepared piece of such stone.
A thin, flat piece, for roofing or covering houses, etc.
A tablet for writing upon.
An artificial material, resembling slate, and used for the above purposes.
A thin plate of any material; a flake.
A list of candidates, prepared for nomination or for election; a list of candidates, or a programme of action, devised beforehand.
To cover with slate, or with a substance resembling slate; as, to slate a roof; to slate a globe.
To register (as on a slate and subject to revision), for an appointment.
To set a dog upon; to bait; to slat. See 2d Slat, 3.

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